How to Declutter your Home: The Ultimate Guide

Decluttering is much more than a simple clean-up. It's a mindful approach to reevaluating and organising what you own. It can tidy up and thoughtfully organise a home to reduce your daily stress or enhance your efficiency and mood. In this guide, we explore what decluttering is, its preparation, how to do it room by room and various tips for efficiency and maintenance so you can successfully declutter a home that is a joy to maintain and a pleasure to live in. 

Understanding Decluttering

For those who are seeking to enhance their living environment, decluttering is an essential process to achieve this goal. More than just mere cleaning, it organises and prioritises your belongings structurally and thoughtfully, removing unnecessary items from your space, such as unused belongings, old furniture and excess decor. Living in a clutter-free environment provides several benefits, including lifestyle improvement, reducing anxiety and boosting overall efficiency.


Preparing to Declutter

How do you start your decluttering process? The simple answer is - it should begin with thorough preparation and planning. Start by creating a comprehensive checklist that covers all areas of your home. This list will be your roadmap to guide you through the entire process, ensuring you are heading in the right direction to declutter your home. Follow the steps below in chronological order:

  • Gather necessary supplies such as boxes, labels, cleaning materials, and garbage bags.

  • Prepare containers for different purposes, such as keeping, recycling, trashing and donating.

  • Set clear, achievable goals for your decluttering project. These goals might range from creating more space to reducing the number of items.

  • Identify the order of rooms for decluttering. Consider starting with the most cluttered room, such as the kitchen, followed by other frequently used rooms, such as the bedroom.

  • Decide the amount and the types of items you need to keep, focusing on the essentials and functionality, and then proceed to sort all the items into different categories for a systemic process.


Decluttering Room by Room

Decluttering room by room ensures a thorough and organised approach; it saves time for the process, giving you maximum efficiency and effectiveness. It is strongly recommended to undertake the process in the following order:

The Kitchen

The kitchen is often the prime spot for clutter. Begin by tackling kitchen counters, cabinets and the pantry. Remove all unused tools, expired food items, and mismatched containers. Organise your kitchenware based on frequency of use.

The Bedrooms

Focus on organising clothes, accessories, and bedside tables. Go through your wardrobe and donate clothes you haven’t worn in a year. Utilise practical storage solutions for small items and accessories. 

The Living Room

In the living room, start by cleaning up the furniture in the centre of the room, such as coffee tables. Organise books, magazines, and remotes, and consider furniture with storage for blankets and other items.


In the bathroom, clear out cabinets and drawers, discarding expired products and unused items. Organise daily essentials for easy access and use space-saving solutions like drawer dividers and over-the-door organisers to maintain order in this often small space. 

The Storage Room

Tackle the storage room by categorising items like holiday decor, seasonal clothing, and keepsakes. Donate or dispose of unused items. Use clear bins and labels for organisation, and regularly revisit the space to prevent clutter accumulation, keeping it functional and neat.

Decluttering Over a Weekend

For those with limited time, a focused weekend decluttering session can be highly effective. Below are the recommended schedule and timeline for the weekend session:

Day 1 - Sorting and Categorising Items

Begin by sorting items into categories. Making quick and decisive choices on this first day sets a productive tone for the entire process.

Day 2 - Organising and Arranging

On the second day, focus on organising and arranging the 'keep' items in their designated spaces. Employ smart storage solutions and label boxes and shelves to ensure everything has a specific place.

Day 3 - Deep Cleaning and Rearranging

With the clutter out of the way, dedicate the third day to deep cleaning each room. This includes dusting, vacuuming, and wiping down surfaces. Also, consider rearranging furniture to optimise space and improve room flow. 

Day 4 - Final Touches and Future Planning

On the final day, revisit each room for any last adjustments and organise the items designated for donation and disposal. Conclude the whole process by planning a regular maintenance schedule to keep your space continually organised.

Quick and Effective Decluttering Tips

Keep your home neat and functional with these straightforward tactics. They're not only easy to put into action but also make everyday life smoother and more organised.

-        Donate Instead of Throwing Away: Rather than tossing out things you no longer use, consider donating them to those in need.

-        Use the Three-Box Method: Simplify sorting by using three boxes labelled “Keep”, “Donate”, and “Discard”.

-        Try the 90/90 Rule: If you haven't used something in 90 days and don’t see yourself using it in the next 90, it might be time to let it go.

-        Keep Frequently Used Items Handy: Store everyday items within easy reach, like using wall-mounted shelves for convenience.


Maintaining a Decluttered Space

After converting your home into a decluttered space successfully, you may seek ways to keep your home consistently tidy and organised with the following simple and sustainable habits.

-        Establish a Regular Cleaning Routine: Set aside specific times daily or weekly for cleaning and organising tasks.

-        Be Selective with New Additions: Think carefully about the practicality and necessity of items before bringing them into your home.

-        Periodically Review Your Possessions: Regularly evaluate your belongings to ensure they're still useful and align with your organised space.



By following the comprehensive steps outlined in this guide, you can transform your home into an organised, peaceful, and efficient space. Embrace the change and enjoy the numerous benefits that a decluttered home brings to your life. Remember, decluttering is not a one-time task but a continuous journey toward a more organised and serene living environment.


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