7 Useful tips to avoid a decluttering nightmare

Professional Organizer HK

Here are some tips for you to keep in mind to avoid getting overwhelmed when decluttering

Now that you have made the ultimate decision of making decluttering a habit, how will you go about it? The thought of having a simple and spotless home is very ideal, but you know that it takes more than a thought to make it happen. You know that you need to put in extra time and effort to actually live in a spacious and organized space. 

1.Keep things simple and follow the 80/20 rule.

They say that 80% of the time, we really use only 20% of the things we own. Start trying to simplify your spaces by keeping the things you use daily and discarding those that you do not use 80% of the time.

2. Forgotten item? Toss it!

If there are things around the house that you have not used in the last 6 months, it is about time that you get rid of them or give them away.

If you happen to see an item and you immediately think, “Wow, I forgot I had these!,” these are things you no longer need. You already lasted long enough without these things, so you do not need to still keep them. 

Check your wardrobe too. If there are clothes that you have not worn for around 6 months, consider donating them or giving them away. It can declutter your wardrobe and at the same time, you can give space for new ones.

3. Broken item? Toss it!

Sometimes, you find yourself discovering some of your stuff does not work anymore.

If you think you still have a use for them, try having them fixed. But if you feel that you do not have the time to do so or it would cost you even more to bring them back in shape, then it is not of necessity and it is time to part ways with it.

4. Start small.  

Decluttering can really be overwhelming and time-consuming. And just the thought of you starting to declutter might discourage you from starting it. Try to start with a few small projects – maybe a countertop that has been messy for the longest time or that small shelf in the bedroom that you have not really touched. Starting small can help you realize that all it takes is a determined mind, your free schedule and probably just a couple of empty boxes. 

 5. You don’t have to do everything in one go.

Try to declutter for a few minutes a day. It took several months and years for you to take in a lot of stuff, so do not expect decluttering your home would only span a few days or weeks. Since you want to make it a habit, try to allot a few minutes of your day to declutter small spaces. Eventually, you’d be able to gain more courage to take on a cabinet or even a room to declutter. 

 If you find yourself with too much stuff to declutter at once, try to give one item away each day. In doing so, you can lessen the things you need to organize and you might be able to brighten someone else’s day too.

 6. Get other people’s perspective.

Sometimes, it takes another eye to check for things you need to keep and to discard. You can ask help from a friend or a loved one to check on your stuff and see which ones you should keep and which ones you should get rid of. It is best to ask help from someone who knows you well so that they can help clear your mind of what you need to declutter.

 7. Boxes are your best friend.

Make your decluttering activity more organized by allotting boxes for your stuff. You can assign boxes for things you will keep, things you will get rid of and things you will store.  

In this way, you can better visualize where each of your items go. It will also be easier for you to have boxes where you can toss these things while you are cleaning.


There you have it, some tips to help you with your decluttering habit. Remember, you do not have to do it all at once. Just start small, build on that habit and eventually, you would be able to do it effortlessly.  To help you out in your decluttering project, visit Home Makeover HK and be amazed at how you can make home organization possible.


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